Description of Services
Manuscript Critique
My manuscript critique service evaluates a novel to identify strengths and areas for improvement. In it, I look at big-picture story elements, and feedback is given in the form of an editorial letter.
The letter will include feedback on any aspects that need highlighting, for example:
- Marketability of the premise
- Suitability of the story to the genre, category, and intended reader
- World-building and setting
- Plot
- Pacing
- Characterization
- Other elements of the story that need highlighting
The letter will also point out issues that could possibly harm your chances of publishing success, such as plot holes, illogicalities, inconsistencies, and word-efficiency, clarity, and backstory problems.
This service includes two hours of follow-up discussion (either via phone or e-mail).*
Ready to book or have questions? Contact me.
Developmental Edit
My developmental editing service is an in-depth evaluation of a manuscript to identify strengths and areas for improvement. In it, I look from big-picture story elements down to the language level, and feedback is given in the form of an editorial letter and in-document comments that include a short chapter breakdown at the end of each chapter.
The letter will include feedback on any aspects that need highlighting, for example:
- Marketability of the premise
- Suitability of the story to the genre, category, and intended reader
- World-building and setting
- Plot
- Pacing
- Characterization
- Voice/style
- Other elements of the story that need highlighting
The chapter breakdown evaluates each chapter individually. In a few paragraphs per chapter, I weigh the chapter’s content, looking at its plot, consistency, clarity, and overall worth in the story. I also gauge its entertainment value and whether the characters and dialogue are unique and natural.
Either in the letter or in-document comments, I point out issues that could possibly harm your chances of publishing success, such as plot holes, illogicalities, and inconsistencies, as well as word-efficiency, clarity, and backstory problems.
This service includes three hours of follow-up discussion (either via phone or e-mail). More than one round of developmental edits may be necessary, and these extra rounds can be included for a small additional fee.*
Want to see a sample of in-document comments? Click here.
Ready to book or have questions? Contact me.
Language Edits
To best set expectations, clarify the scope of work, and determine a quote, I have created three levels of language edits for you to select from that best suit your individual needs.
Level 1: A thorough edit for errors in basic language mechanics
- Correction of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization errors along with basic formatting to ensure consistency within the document.
Level 2: Level 1 edits plus a closer look at the words
- Edits for word accuracy, usage, and optimization, as well as language clarity, consistency, and logic.
Level 3: Levels 1 and 2 edits plus a focus on the overall sentence, paragraph, and language elements
- Check of sentence mechanics, clarity, flow, logical ordering, and consistency in style/voice/tone, as well as optimization opportunities.
Another factor for you to consider that determines pricing is the weight of my editing—basically, how heavy you want my hand to be.
Light: The correction of indisputable errors only
- No other direct revisions, edits, or rewrites are carried out.
- Locutions or language mechanics that are not outright errors are ignored (or pointed out when I feel it necessary).
- Inconsistencies and any statements that seem incorrect are pointed out in comments.
- Want to see a sample of light edits? Click here.
Medium: The correction of errors plus pointing out awkward or suboptimal language
- Comments are used to highlight words/sentences or wordy passages that can be improved. In some cases, an alternative or suggestion is offered.
- Comments are also used to draw attention to inconsistencies, faulty organization, gaps in logic, and facts that seem incorrect.
- Want to see a sample of medium edits? Click here.
Heavy: The direct correction and revision/rewriting of errors, suboptimal language, and wordy patches
- Inconsistencies, faulty organization, gaps in logic, and incorrect facts are directly changed in the text.
- Want to see a sample of heavy edits? Click here.
How I carry out my edits:
- I edit your manuscript directly in the Word document, using the Track Changes and Comments features.
- For US English, The Chicago Manual of Style and Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary are used as reference materials.
For UK English, New Hart’s Rules: The Oxford Style and Oxford English Dictionary are used as reference materials. - When finished, I send you the edited manuscript along with your story’s customized style sheet.
This service includes two hours of follow-up discussions (either via phone or e-mail).
A final pass of the manuscript and query texts before submission can be included in this service when desired. Not included in this service are developmental or substantive edits, significant fact-checking, or formatting to fit subscription or publishing standards.
Ready to book or have questions? Contact me.
Story-Writing Coaching
My mentoring sessions are just for you, whatever you need them to be about. Do you need focused help on one story element (e.g., world-building) or do you need coaching in writing techniques to better convey your ideas? Or maybe you need something else. Together, we can:
- Edit collaboratively, working through difficult edits and suggested changes
- Elevate your work through story coaching, focusing on story elements
- Work on improving your voice, style, and technique through writing coaching
- Brainstorm ideas where you are coming up short
- Enhance your writing strengths
- Improve upon your writing weaknesses
My aim for these personalized sessions is to help you in your craft of storytelling and writing. I want to help you get your story told, and while results vary, these sessions can help you make immediate progress with your writing.
The sessions are via e-mail only so that you get exactly what you pay for and no time is wasted on small talk or silence. The time includes my reading of all material and writing of e-mails.*
Ready to book or have questions? Contact me.
* These services are customizable, and all terms are negotiable. An agreement will be made before a contract is signed.