About Me

I have been editing fiction since 2018 after my good friend, a writer, brought me into his world and let me be a part of his creative process. I fell in love with it immediately.
After teaching English in China for almost a decade, I moved to Germany with my husband and began my career as a freelance editor. I have a bachelor’s degree in Chinese from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, I have multiple certificates in copyediting and teaching English, and I have taken writing and editing courses to help me in my editing career.
I work with publishers—currently with Inkitt—writers, and agencies, editing novels and short stories as well as marketing and corporate materials. In between full-service editorial work with Inkitt, I take on projects with individual writers and major corporations (e.g., Porsche, Tom Tailor, Nespresso).
My services have helped writers get published and win writing awards.
When I’m not working on a project, I spend my time reading books, either current debut novels or books on writing techniques, watching anything science fiction or fantasy, or traveling with my husband.
I have always loved having my nose in a book, getting completely lost in whatever world the writer built for me. When all the elements of a story (plot, world, characters, writing) are correctly arranged, it is possible to completely escape this reality and existence and become someone—or something—else. As George R.R. Martin wrote in A Dance with Dragons, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”

Can you remember the last time you read a book and everything else disappeared; the concepts of time, space, and the self became nonexistent? This is what I chase. And this is what I want to help you create: characters to fall in love with, worlds to get immersed in, and stories to get absorbed by. I want to read great stories, so let me help you make your story great.
If you would like to get in touch for editorial services, or if you have any questions, please contact me.